
About Us

Aleema International Publishers publishes books of enduring literary quality from all over the world. Its authors have won or been shortlisted for a slew of national, regional and international awards. It publishes different titles annually in the following categories – fiction, history, biography, autobiography, current events, reportage, travel, popular science, art, music, nature studies, the environment, business, translations, philosophy, sociology, psychology and popular culture – as well as works of narrative non-fiction that are not easily categorized. AIP Publishes Books with ISBN, Journals with high indexing, Abstract & Edited Books with ISBN and conduct Conference Proceedings with ISBN. Every book the company publishes reflects its emphasis on excellence in editorial quality, design, printing and packaging. This house offers state-of-the-art printing and a good quality publishing facility. We have published more than 500 titles in all categories like educational books, poetry, story books, biographies and novels. We publish books in all Indian and foreign Languages like Hindi, English, Tamil, Telugu, Malyali, Udia, Bengalli, Gujrati, Punjabi, Marathi, Kannad, German, French, Rusia, China, Nepali Aleema International Publishers also provide educational and general purposes products also such as Teaching Tools, CDs, Laptops, Desktops, Printers, Projectors, LCDs and other related materials. AIP deliver student centered services Free Registration of students for the purposes of free services such as free counseling and guidance for getting admission and information in best and leading institutions, scholarship scheme information and apply, martial and information support to renowned universities like KU, JU, NIIT, CUK, IIT, CUJ, JNU, AMU, JMI, BHU, etc. & Colleges/ institutions of National and International importance. The mechanism of education has changed over the years; the end has remained the same -Empowered minds, which can evolve, sustain, empower and fulfil the ever-changing needs of society. It aims at being transparent in its vision, objectives, working and looks forward to honesty, integrity and commitment.  It expects and trains its people to take ownership of responsibilities entrusted. This applies to promote the culture of the organization, professional commitments and achieving organizational goals.

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